Free printable PDF lesson plans, word banks, quizzes and games for EFL/ESL teachers & learners
60-minute Lesson Plan
CANADA "Canada's Ogopogo Lake Monster" Level: Elementary to Pre-Intermediate Multi-page lesson: Vocabulary Preview Spelling Practice (Vowel Gap) Reading Comprehension Grammar Practice Discussion Writing Practice Answer Key attached Download the PDF file by clicking on the green button below! |
CANADA Complete the names of the provinces and territories by adding the missing vowels
(a, e, i, o, u). Then write the names on the map. Individual or Pair Work Level: Elementary to Intermediate Approximate Time: 15 to 20 minutes Download the PDF file by clicking on the green button below!
Discussion Practice
CANADA 16 Question strips adapted from the above Pair Work activity.
These questions can be used with students seated in pairs or in small groups, or with students standing. Activity Notes on Page 2 Level: Intermediate to Advanced Approximate Time: 10 - 15 minutes Download the PDF file by clicking on the green button below!
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'Find Someone Who'
Activity CANADA Classic 'Find Someone Who' activity
Whole class activity Activity Notes on Page 2 (with Activity Version 1 and Version 2) Level: Elementary to Intermediate Approximate Time: 15 - 20 minutes Download the PDF file by first becoming a Patreon member, and then clicking on the orange button below!
After clicking on the Download Now button, just enter your Patreon Password! It's that easy!
Remember to select 'grayscale' in your computer printer settings to save on color ink!
Board Game
CANADA 30 questions about Canada
For groups of two to three players Level: Intermediate to Advanced Approximate Time: 20 to 25 minutes Dice required Download the PDF file by clicking on the green button below!
CANADA Brainstorming and dictionary practice
Use a dictionary to help you complete the chart below. All of the words must begin with the letter of the alphabet given. Some letters may have many different answers, while others may not have an answer. Level: Intermediate to Advanced Approximate Time: 20 minutes Download the PDF file by clicking on the green button below!
Consider breaking your class into two teams and see which team can come up with the most (correctly spelled) words within a given time limit. Also, consider giving this worksheet to your students for homework. |
63 Words About Canada
Anglophone anthem Arctic Atlantic bear beaver bilingual British Columbia Canadian Canada Day Canuck CN Tower |
English ferry flag forest Francophone French Great Lakes hockey Inuit Labrador lacrosse loon |
Manitoba maple leaf maple syrup Maritimes multicultural Native Canadian New Brunswick Newfoundland North Pole Northwest Territories Nova Scotia |
O Canada Ontario Ottawa Pacific parliament pine tree prairies premier prime minister Prince Edward Island province |
queen RCMP Rockies Saskatchewan ski St. Lawrence territory Terry Fox Run toonie touque tundra Yukon |
Remember to select 'grayscale' in your computer printer settings to save on color ink!
Advice Column
CANADA Newspaper advice column with 3 problems about Canada
Students read and then discuss or write about possible solutions Level: Intermediate to Advanced Approximate Time: 25 minutes Download the PDF file by clicking on the green button below!
Listen 1 - Sharon
Listen 2 - Prime Minister of Canada
Listen 3 - Tommy